As told by monotone narration and black and white animation.
This is what I came across today, and to save you eight minutes I offer you this.
A History of the Internet: The Abridged
- Sputnik has just launched and we hate the USSR. It’s 1957.
- Carrier pigeons are put out to pasture and information stored in one database.
- ARPANET (the internet’s grandfather)
- Mainframes were invented so hackers would have something to say in heist movies.
- Computers are basically electronic carrier pigeons.
- The script for Thirteen Days is inspired driving the need for improved file sharing.
- France saves the day (funny, I know).
- Phone companies get rich (remember dial-up?)
- Nirvana’s first album Bleach is a commercial failure and that year the internet becomes a stable technology in the world
- Cat videos
#10 is not in the video, but I assume it will be in the sequel. It’s already inĀ A History of the World.
So maybe I’m infected with the apathy of my generation, but here are things I don’t particularly understand or care about: ARPANET, mainframes, and dial-up internet.
My only question is, what was the Soviet Union up to while the United States worked so hard to develop the internet? Why did America have so much success developing this technology before the USSR? I wish there were a boringĀ Youtube video on that.
I really think electronic carrier pigeons would be neat.