The First Few Days

In Tuesday’s class we discussed how the vast collection of knowledge available because of the internet is damaging the structure of higher education. Many critics claim all that information deters a person’s ability to actually learn. I wish we could have had more time to discuss  where education is going; we touched on how George Mason wants to suck tuition money out of people and should probably change this model, but I was curious to how the model would reform. Would Mason pick an area of specialization (like engineering or athletics) or remain broad? And if it does remain broad, what will encourage people to keep attending universities like Mason if they can just get the credits and information elsewhere for less money?

For my final project, I will probably do Manassas Battle Field because I actually do an internship there and really enjoy the park. I would love a chance to explore it more.

I would obviously consider the Civil War as my historical topic, but the Battlefield is also a crucial watershed, hosting important wetlands within the Chesapeake. In the 80s the area was paved over and I’d love to discuss how it was restored for the environment.

My final option would be to discuss the preservation of the area. There are several protests to widen 29/Lee Highway and there are severe traffic congestion issues at the Sudley intersection. However, due to the historical importance of the land, there is major friction between important people on whether or not the roads can be widened or improved at the risk of losing some of the battlefield.

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